Matt Grenier

Technical Director | Educator | Designer | Fabricator


This custom stage elevator, nick-named the “Liftavator,” was designed to raise a 3×7 foot platform a maximum of 24 inches. The lifting was achieved via two linked scissor-jacks. Driven by hand-cranking, and at-times by electric drill, the elevator was an economical “automated” scenery device.

Originally built for a production of Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s Life’s a Dream, the elevator was later re-used in a production of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet.


Engineer, Lead Fabricator


Life’s a Dream
By Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Directed by John McCaslin-Doyle
Scenic Design by John Bagby
Technical Direction by Scott Segar

SUNY Oneonta, November 2014
Fine Arts Center, Goodrich Theater

Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Andrew Kahl
Scenic Design by John Bagby
Technical Direction by Scott Segar
Assistant Technical Direction by John Jaromack

SUNY Oneonta, November 2017
Fine Arts Center, Goodrich Theater


The information shared about this project is incomplete and not intended to be instructional. Attempting to replicate this project could result in serious injury.